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Instituto de Matemáticas Aplicadas UCV



  1. Montoya, E., Mena, A., Mena, J., "Circulations and genesis in the mathematical work space", Revista Latinoamericana de Investigación en Matemática Educativa, 17, 4-I, 181-197, 2014
  2. Montoya, E., "The process of proof in the geometric work space: initial training teachers", Revista Enseñanza de las Ciencias, 32, 3, 227-247, 2014
  3. Montoya, E., Vivier, L., "Changes of field within the Mathematical Working Space framework", Annales de Didactique et de Sciences Cognitives, 19, 73 - 101, 2014
  4. Vera, R., Ossandón, S., "On the Prediction of Atmospheric Corrosion of Metals and Alloys in Chile Using Artificial Neural Networks", Internacional Journal of Eletrochemical Sciencie, 9, 12, 7131 - 7151, 2014
  5. Ossandón, S., Reyes, C., "On the calculation of the acoustic eigenfrequencies for anisotropic materials with uncertainty", Applied Mathematics and Computation, 230, 330–335, 2014
  6. Gopalakrishnan, J., Muga, I., Olivares, N., "Dispersive and dissipative errors in the DPG method with scaled norms for Helmholtz equation", SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 36, 1, A20-A39, 2014
  7. Barrientos, M., Maischak, M., "A-posteriori error analysis to the exterior Stokes problem", Applied Numerical Mathematics, 63, 25-44, 2013
  8. Saghin, R., Vargas, E., "Invariant measures for Cherry flows", Communications in Mathematical Physics, 317, 1, 55-67, 2013
  9. Ossandón, S., Bahamonde, N., "A new nonlinear for GARCH models", Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 351, 5-6, 235-239, 2013
  10. Pardo, D., Matuszyk, P., Torres-Verdín, C., Mora, A., Muga, I., Calo, V., "Influence of borehole-eccentred tools on wireline and logging-while-drilling sonic logging measurements", Geopphysical Prospecting, 61, 268-283, 2013
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