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Instituto de Matemáticas Aplicadas UCV

Changes of field within the Mathematical Working Space framework


Research on Mathematical Work Spaces has been developed for more than fifteen years in the field of Geometry. Taking advantage of international meetings, it has been necessary to develop this framework to other fields such as Algebra, Analysis and Probability. In this context, we are interested in articulating mathematical fields in the mathematical work. Our study on changes of field is based more specifically on Geometrical Working Space distinguishing an initial field, or source, and a final field, or resolution. Examples analyzed in this article are taken from researches in Chile and France and allow us to build a set of questions to study changes of field.

Autores: Montoya, E., Vivier, L.

Journal: Annales de Didactique et de Sciences Cognitives

Journal Volume: 19

Journal Issue:

Journal Page: 73 - 101

Tipo de publicación: Scopus

Fecha de publicación: 2014

Topics: Mathematical Working Space, Field, Genesis


URL de la publicación: http://turing.scedu.umontreal.ca/annales/documents/volume%2019/6MontoyaVivier.pdf

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