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Instituto de Matemáticas Aplicadas UCV



  1. Gillibert, F., "Surface abéliennes à multiplication quaternionique munie d’une structure de niveau Γ0(N)", International Journal of Number Theory, 1-17, 2016
  2. Lomelí, L. A., "On automorphic L-functions in positive characteristic", Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 66, 5, 1733-1771, 2016
  3. Wiff, R., Barrientos, M., Milessi, A., Quiroz, J., Harwood, J., "Modelling production per unit of food consumed in fish populations", Journal of Theoretical Biology, 365, 67–75, 2015
  4. Wiff, R., Roa-Ureta, R., Borchers, D., Milessi, A., Barrientos, M., "Estimating Consumption to Biomass Ratio in Non-Stationary Harvested Fish Populations", PLoS One, 10, 11, 2015
  5. Luca, F., Menares, R., Pizarro-Madariaga, A., "On shifted primes with large prime factors and their products", Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society Simon Stevin, 22, 1, 39-47, 2015
  6. Harder, C., Paredes. D., Valentin, F., "On a Multiscale Hybrid-Mixed Method for Advective-Reactive Dominated Problems with Heterogeneous Coefficients", Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 13, 2, 491-518, 2015
  7. Valenzuela, F., Vásquez, C., "Lyapunov exponents for families of rotated linear cocycles", Nonlinearity, 28, 7, 2423–2440, 2015
  8. Alves, J., Carvalho, M., Vásquez, C., "A variational principle for impulsive semiflows", Journal of Differential Equations, 259, 8, 4229–4252, 2015
  9. Henríquez, C., Montoya, E., "Synthetic and analytic geometrical working space of teachers and their practices in the classroom", Revista Enseñanza de las Ciencias, 33, 2, 51-70, 2015
  10. Mena, A., Mena, J., Montoya, E., Morales, A., Parraguez, M., "The epistemological obstacle of the actual infinity: persistence, resistence and categories of analysis", Revista Latinoamericana de Investigación en Matemática Educativa, 18, 3, 329-358, 2015
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