On shifted primes with large prime factors and their products
We estimate from below the lower density of the set of prime numbers p such that p−1 has a prime factor of size at least , where 1/4≤c≤1/2. We also establish upper and lower bounds on the counting function of the set of positive integers n≤x with exactly k prime factors, counted with or without multiplicity, such that the largest prime factor of gcd(p−1:p∣n) exceeds
Autores: Luca, F., Menares, R., Pizarro-Madariaga, A.
Journal: Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society Simon Stevin
Journal Volume: 22
Journal Issue: 1
Journal Page: 39-47
Tipo de publicación: ISI
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Topics: Shifted primes, Sieve
URL de la publicación: http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.bbms/1426856856
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