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Instituto de Matemáticas Aplicadas UCV

Nobel Teacher’s Epistemological Stability and Mathematical Working Space


In this research, we study the epistemological stability of beginning teachers. To do this, we have made a qualitative study of their suitable-MWS when developing a mathematical domain with the students, so as to clarify the elements that they put into play when unfolding a task in the classroom. We show results related to the eventual favoring that those teachers make of the realization of semiotic, discursive and instrumental genesis, and of the circulation between the different poles of the epistemological and cognitive planes. The study shows that the epistemology of beginning teachers is not stable, due to tension between their personal-MWS and their suitable-MWS.

Autores: Montoya, E., Mena, A., Mena, J.

Journal: Bolema: Boletim de Educação Matemática

Journal Volume: 30

Journal Issue: 54

Journal Page: 188-203

Tipo de publicación: Scopus

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Topics: Epistemological Stability, Beginning Teachers, Algebrization

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1980-4415v30n54a09.

URL de la publicación: http://www.scielo.br/pdf/bolema/v30n54/1980-4415-bolema-30-54-0188.pdf

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