A Method to Compute the Surface Green’s Function of Piezoelectric Half-space
The piezoelectric surface acoustic wave devices (so-called SAW components) are currently used today for frequency filtering, their main applications being to digital telecommunication systems. The need to improve their designs requires the development of accurate mathematical models to predict their physical performance. We develop here one of the essential tools used in these simulations: the 3D Green’s function.
Autores: Muga, I., Ossandón, S.
Journal Volume: 13
Journal Issue: Series A: Mathematical Sciences
Journal Page: 84-91
Tipo de publicación: no_indexada
Fecha de publicación: 2006
Topics: Piezoelectric, Green’s function
URL de la publicación: http://www.mat.utfsm.cl/scientia/archivos/vol13/articulo8VN.pdf
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