Proyecto Fondecyt de iniciación “Multiscale Hybrid Mixed Finite Element Methods for Fluid Flow in Porous Media and Wave Propagation Models”
The purpose of this proposal is to provide new developments concerning the numerical analysis and efficient parallel implementations of novel multiscale finite element methods. The approaches are applied in particular to the solution of fluid flow in porous media and wave propagation models.
Our work, can be divided into three main topics:
1. To derive, test, analyse, and obtain new theoretical results on new mutiscale numerical methods for hydro-dynamics, steady/unsetady reaction-advection-diffussion and electromagnetic and elastodynamic wave propagation models, in highly heterogeneous media, including complex topological features (interfaces between geological media, faults, etc.), using the presented Multiscale Hybrid Mixed approach.
2. To create an efficient platform for the parallel implementation of the new developed methods on a High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster, and using GP/GPU technology.
3. To apply the new mathematical and computational tools on realistic models to obtain useful simulations.
Nombre del proyecto: Multiscale Hybrid Mixed Finite Element Methods for Fluid Flow in Porous Media and Wave Propagation Models
Código: 11140699
Fuente de financiamiento: CONICYT
Investigador: Diego Paredes
Rol: Investigador Responsable
País: Chile
Fecha de inicio del proyecto: 03/11/2014
Fecha fin del proyecto: 06/11/2017
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