Numerical Methods in Geophysics: Present, Future, and Applications

This event will cover some of the latest advances in numerical methods with applications to geophysics. Particular emphasis will be given to novel advances in Artificial Intelligence methods and future perspectives on their applications in geophysics. Besides, this will be the last yearly scientific meeting of the European’s Union Horizon 2020 Project MATHROCKS.
Main Organizers:
Ignacio Muga (PUCV, Chile)
David Pardo (UPV/EHU, BCAM & Ikerbasque, Spain)
Scientific Committee:
Ignacio Muga (PUCV, Chile)
David Pardo (UPV/EHU, BCAM & Ikerbasque, Spain)
Josep de la Puente (BSC, Spain)
Pedro Díez (UPC, Spain)
Julien Diaz (INRIA, UPPA, France)
Registration Fee:
In-person: 650 €
Online: 200 €
Julen Alvarez-Aramberri (UPV/EHU, Spain)
Witold Dzwinel (AGH UST, Poland)
Felipe Galarce (WIAS, Germany & PUCV, Chile)
Amin Hekmatnejad (PUCV, Chile)
Ignacio Muga (PUCV, Chile)
Judit Muñoz-Matute (BCAM, Spain & UT Austin, USA)
Ángel J. Omella (UPV/EHU, Spain)
Sebastián Ossandón (PUCV, Chile)
David Pardo (UPV/EHU, BCAM & Ikerbasque, Spain)
Maciej Paszynski (AGH UST, Poland)
Otilio Rojas (BSC, Spain; UCV, Venezuela)
Sergio Rojas (PUCV, Chile)
Manuel Sánchez (PUC, Chile)
Paulina Sepúlveda (PUCV, Chile)
Carlos Sing-Long (PUC, Chile)
Leszek Siwik (AGH UST, Poland)
Carlos Spa (BSC, Spain)
Carlos Uriarte (BCAM, UPV/EHU, Spain)
Patrick Vega (PUCV, Chile)
Thursday 12th January 2023
- 09:30 Welcome
- 10:00 Judit Muñoz-Matute (BCAM, Spain & UT Austin, USA)
- 10:30 Carlos Spa (BSC, Spain)
(Chair: David Pardo)
11:00 Coffee Break
- 11:30 Otilio Rojas (BSC, Spain; UCV, Venezuela)
- 12:00 Amin Hekmatnejad (PUCV, Chile)
(Chair: Sergio Rojas)
13:00 Lunch (Club de Yates de Recreo)
- 15:00 Maciej Paszynski (AGH UST, Poland)
- 15:30 Julen Alvarez-Aramberri (UPV/EHU, Spain)
(Chair: Judit Muñoz-Matute)
16:00 Coffee Break
- 16:30 Sergio Rojas (PUCV, Chile)
- 17:00 Ángel J. Omella (UPV/EHU, Spain)
- 17:30 Carlos Uriarte (BCAM, UPV/EHU, Spain)
(Chair: Maciej Paszynski)
Friday 13th January 2023
- 10:00 Manuel Sánchez (PUC, Chile)
- 10:30 Carlos Sing-Long (PUC, Chile)
(Chair: Ignacio Muga)
11:00 Coffee Break
- 11:30 Witold Dzwinel (AGH UST, Poland)
- 12:00 Leszek Siwik (AGH UST, Poland)
- 12:30 Felipe Galarce (WIAS, Germany & PUCV, Chile)
(Chair: Manuel Sánchez)
13:15 Lunch (Barón Garden)
Free time
19:00 Workshop dinner (El Internado)
- Goal-Oriented Adaptivity for Parametric PDEs to Generate Massive Databases for Deep Learning Inversion. Julen Alvarez-Aramberri (UPV/EHU, Spain).
- Supermodeling – a metaprocedure for data assimilation. Witold Dzwinel (AGH UST, Poland).
- Data assimilation method for corrupted data. An application to fluid mechanics and ultrasound images. Felipe Galarce (WIAS, Germany & PUCV, Chile).
- Presentation of the Universal Discontinuity index (UDi) system and its application to predicting the heterogeneity and anisotropy of rock mass strength. Case study: prediction of the geometry of over-excavation along a tunnel at New El Teniente mine. Amin Hekmatnejad (PUCV, Chile).
- Exploiting Kronecker structure in exponential integrators via quadrature for transient semilinear problems. Judit Muñoz-Matute (BCAM, Spain & UT Austin, USA).
- Deep learning mesh-based methods for solving PDEs: from r-adaptivity to DG. Ángel J. Omella (UPV/EHU, Spain).
- Automatic stabilization of finite-element simulations using neural networks and hierarchical matrices. Maciej Paszynski (AGH UST, Poland).
- A Pseudo-Spectral time domain method for acoustic wave propagation in dispersive and absorptive media. Otilio Rojas (BSC, Spain; UCV, Venezuela).
- VPINNs is actually a good method. Sergio Rojas (PUCV, Chile).
- Energy-conserving mixed and DG methods for elastodynamics. Manuel Sánchez (PUC, Chile).
- Uncertainty quantification in 4D flow MR. Carlos Sing-Long (PUC, Chile).
- Supermodeling – methodology, tools and experiments. Leszek Siwik (AGH UST, Poland).
- High-order Time Integrations and Absorbing Boundary Layers in Pseudo-Spectral Acoustic Simulations. Carlos Spa (BSC, Spain).
- A Deep Double Ritz Method for solving PDEs. Carlos Uriarte (BCAM, UPV/EHU, Spain).
Instituto de Matemáticas
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Blanco Viel 596, Cerro Barón
Valparaíso, Chile
If you want to participate, please contact prof. Ignacio Muga
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