Number Theory and Representations

Two self-standing areas of active research are found in Number Theory and Representation Theory, beautifully unified in a letter that Robert Langlands wrote to André Weil in 1967 leading to a series of conjectures that are now encompassed by what is known as the Langlands Program.
The aim of this conference is to provide an overview of recent developments in Number Theory and Representations, covering both subjects separately as well the interplay among them, which have been at the heart of the Langlands Program and Arithmetic Geometry. Internationally renowned experts will give expository talks in a diverse environment that fosters interactions with mathematicians in Latin America, very much in the spirit of the French-South America Math-AmSud project, where the idea for the event originated.
Ramla Abdellatif (Université de Picardie Jules Verne)
Anne-Marie Aubert (CNRS, Sorbonne Université)
Daniel Barrera Salazar (Universidad de Santiago de Chile)
Luis Dieulefait (Universitat de Barcelona)
Jessica Fintzen (IAS, Cambridge University, Duke University)
Guy Henniart (Université Paris-Saclay, Orsay)
Haruzo Hida (University of California, Los Angeles)
Giancarlo Lucchini Arteche (Universidad de Chile)
Ariel Pacetti (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina)
Vincent Sécherre (Université de Versailles)
Gonzalo Tornaría (Universidad de la República, Uruguay)
Sandeep Varma (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
Luis Lomelí (
Adrián Zenteno (
Time Zone (UTC – 3) |
Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
9:30 – 10:30 | Dieulefait | Pacetti | Henniart | Abdellatif |
10:30 – 11:00 | Virtual coffee | Virtual coffee | Virtual coffee | Virtual coffee |
11:00 – 12:00 | Fintzen | Tornaria | Varma | Barrera |
12:00 – 14:00 | Break | Break | Break | Break |
14:00 – 15:00 | Hida | Lucchini | Sécherre | Aubert |
Abdellatif: Restriction of p-modular representations of p-adic groups to minimal parabolic subgroups
Aubert: C*-blocks and crossed products for classical p-adic groups
Barrera: p-adic variation via evaluations on the cohomology
Dieulefait: Potentially diagonalizable modular lifts of arbitrarily large weight
Fintzen: Representations of p-adic groups and applications
Henniart: On stability for exterior and symmetric square for GL(n)
Hida: p-Local indecomposability of non-CM modular p-adic Galois representations and the structure of Hecke algebras
Lucchini: Local-global principles for homogeneous spaces over some geometric global fields
Pacetti: On the number of Galois orbits of newforms
Sécherre: Selfdual cuspidal representations of GL(N) and distinction by an inner involution
Tornaría: An explicit Waldspurger formula for Hilber modular forms
Varma: On residues of some intertwining operators
If you are interested in participating, please register by December 5th using the following link:
The conference aims to foster an academic atmosphere that promotes the proper exchange of ideas where professors and students gather from across the world in an online event. A respectful and appropriate attitude is expected.
We do ask all participants to respect the following code of conduct during this event:
- Every participant must display the name that they use in their professional work.
- There will be a Chairman during talks. If you have a question for the speaker, please raise your hand or make the question via Chat and the Chairman will look into it.
- The Chat will be open, but abuse will not be tolerated.
- If you witness or experience inappropriate behavior please inform the organizers.
- Any abusive, harassing or discriminatory behavior will not be tolerated, and the organizers reserve the right to remove anyone from the event.
Recording: The conference talks will be recorded and made available online to the public. By submitting your online registration, you agree to be recorded.
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