Name | Pierre Berger | Institution | Université Paris 13 |
Title | “Generic family with robustly inifitely many sinks” | ||
Abstract | Given a manifold for every |
Name | Jairo Bochi | Institution | PUC-Chile |
Title | “Linear representations and dominated splittings” | ||
Abstract | A linear representation ρ of a finitely generated group |
Name | Christian Bonatti | Institution | University of Bourgogne |
Title | “Partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms on 3-manifolds: new examples” | ||
Abstract | In a sequence of works with Rafael Potrie, Kamlesh Parwani, Andrey Gogolev and Andy Hammerlindl, we build more and more sophisticate examples of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms (most of them robustly transitive and stably ergodic) which are not “topologically center leaves equivalent” to one of the classical models, (even “up to finite interation or lift on a finite cover). This contrdicts classification conjectures by Pujals and by Hertz Hertz and Ures. I will present these new example, and ask question in the spirit of the classification conjectures. Furthermore, the behaviour of the new examples, beyong their partial hyperbolicity and transitivity/ergodicity are very few understood, leading to numerous natural questions. |
Name | Aaron Brown | Institution | University of Chicago |
Title | “Entropy, rigidity, and invariant measures for smooth lattice actions” | ||
Abstract | Consider a smooth action of a lattice in a higher-rank, simple Lie group G on a compact manifold M. We show that if the dimension of M is sufficiently small relative to the rank of G, then there always exists an invariant probability measure for the action. If the dimension of M falls in an intermediate range (relative to the rank of G) then we show there exists a quasi-invariant measure such that the action is isomorphic to a relatively measure-preserving extension over a standard boundary action. The proofs of these results follow from existing measure rigidity techniques combined with a new entropy formula for measures invariant under smooth actions of higher-rank Abelian groups. This formula establishes a “product structure” (along coarse Lyapunov foliations) of entropy for measures invariant under a smooth action of a higher-rank abelian group. The product structure of entropy follows, in turn, from a generalization of the Ledrappier-Young entropy formula to “entropy subordinated to a foliation.” | ||
Name | Clark Butler | Institution | University of Chicago |
Title | “Continuity and Discontinuity of Lyapunov Exponents for SL(2,R) cocycles with respect to Holder Norms” | ||
Abstract | We consider the problem of characterizing the continuity points of Lyapunov exponents of |
Name | Álvaro Daniel Coronel | Institution | UNAB |
Title | “Sensitive dependence of Gibbs measures at low temperature” | ||
Abstract | The Gibbs measures of an interaction can behave chaotically as the temperature drops to zero. This was first observed in some XY models in statistical mechanics, and then, in some symbolic systems. In this talk we discuss a related phenomenon that we have observed in some quasi-quadratic families. More precisely, there are parameters exhibiting a sensitive dependence of equilibrium states for the geometric potential, that is, an arbitrarily small perturbation on the parameter can produce significant changes in the low-temperature behavior of its equilibrium states. We show that sensitive dependence is also present in some XY models and in some symbolic systems. Joint work with Juan Rivera-Letelier. |
Name | Sylvain Crovisier | Institution | Univerité Paris 13 |
Title | “On the density of singular hyperbolic vector fields in dimension three” | ||
Abstract | We present a dichotomy for vector fields in dimension three: those which are singular hyperbolic or exhibit a homoclinic tangency form a dense subset of the space of C1-vector fields. This answers a conjecture by Palis. The argument uses an extension for local fibred flows of Mañé and Pujals–Sambarino’s theorems about the uniform contraction of one-dimensional dominated bundles. This is a joint work with Dawei Yang. |
Name | Todd Fisher | Institution | Brigham Young University |
Title | “Unique equilibrium states for geodesic flows in nonpositive curvature” | ||
Abstract | The geodesic flow for a compact Riemannian manifold with negative curvature has a unique equilibrium state for every Holder continuous potential function. This is no longer true if the curvature is only nonpositive. We show that there is a large class of potentials with unique equilibrium states. Specifically, we prove that for compact rank 1 surfaces of nonpositive curvature that the a scalar times geometric potential has a unique equilibrium state for the scalar less than 1. Furthermore, if a potential satisfies a bounded range hypothesis for compact rank 1 manifolds with nonpositive curvature, then there will be a unique equilibrium state. This is joint work with Keith Burns, Vaughn Climenhaga, and Dan Thompson. | ||
Name | John Franks | Institution | Northwestern University |
Title | “Some results on entropy zero surface diffeomorphisms” | ||
Abstract | We consider properties of smooth area preserving diffeomorphisms of compact surfaces (primarily |
Name | Francoise Ledrappier | Institution | University of Notre Dame |
Title | “Rayleigh quotients and equivariant family of measures” | ||
Abstract | We describe an equivariant family of measures on the boundary at in nity of the universal cover of a compact negatively curved manifold. This family is naturally associated with the bottom of the spectrum of the Laplacian. | ||
Name | Carlos Gustavo Moreira | Institution | IMPA |
Title | “On the fractal geometry of horseshoes in arbitrary dimensions” | ||
Abstract | We will discuss some works in progress which give a reasonably good perspective of understanding the main properties of the fractal geometry of typical dissipative horseshoes in arbitrary dimensions. In the first work, in collaboration with J. Palis and M. Viana, given a horseshoe Λ whose stable spaces have dimension k we define a family of fractal dimensions (the socalled upper stable dimensions) d (j)s (Λ), 1 ≤ j ≤ k which satisfy d (1)s (Λ) ≥ d(2)s(Λ) ≥ · · · ≥d(k) s (Λ) ≥ HD(Λ ∩ Ws (x)), ∀x ∈ Λ (and analogously for the unstable directions) with the following propertie: given 1 ≤ r ≤ k and ε > 0 there is a ε−small C∞ perturbation of the original diffeomorphism for which the hyperbolic continuation of Λ has a subhorseshoe Λ which has strong stable foliations of codimensions ˜ j for 1 ≤ j ≤ r and which satisfies d(r)s(Λ) ˜ > d(r)s(Λ) − ε. In the second work in progress, in collaboration with W. Silva (which extends a previous joint work in codimension 1), we prove that if a horseshoe Λ has strong stable foliations of codimensions j for 1 ≤ j ≤ r and satisfies d(r)s(Λ) > r then it has a small C∞ perturbation which contains a blender of codimension k: in particular C1 images of stable Cantor sets of it (of the type Λ∩Ws (x)) in R k will typically have persistently non-empty interior. We also expect to prove that when r < d (r) s (Λ) ≤ r+ 1 the Hausdorff dimension of these stable Cantor sets typically coincide with d (r+1)s (Λ), and this dimension depends continuously on Λ on these assumptions, which would imply typical continuity of Hausdorff dimensions of stable and unstable Cantor sets of horseshoes. |
Name | José Vieitez | Institution | Universidad de la República |
Title | “On the concept of expansiveness and generalizations” | ||
Abstract | We compare different generalizations of the well known concept of expansiveness. We prove that for M a closed surface, f : M → M 2-expansive and Ω(f) = M implies f is 1-expansive. We give examples showing that Ω(f) = M cannot be dropped. As Artigue has shown these examples can be done C2 robust. As a consequence for r ≥ 2 there are Cr -robustly cw-expansive surface diffeomorphisms that are not Anosov. On the other hand on C1-topology Sakai (1997) showed that C1robust cw-expansive on surfaces are Anosov parcours obstacle gonflable. |